Mobility Gel for you and your horse
To assist with easier movement of both joint and muscle discomfort. This is a wonderful gel to help soothe away general aches and pains for both you and your horse. This product can be used after exercise to help with recovery; or as a massage aid for muscles, back and limbs.
Mobility Gel for your dog
As with horses dogs also suffer with general aches and pains; this gel will assist in the relief of inflammation and discomfort and aid to your dog’s well-being.
Respiratory Gel
This product can be offered to your horse for inhalation, to be taken orally or to apply to the windpipe or chest. Your horse will decide which he prefers. The ready-made Gel has added essential oils to help soothe and open up the airways which will aid in easier breathing.
First Aid Gel for Sun burn/insect bites (Equine & Canine)
This Gel will help to cool, soothe and reduce any inflammation of the affected areas on both your horse and dog. This can be taken orally should your animal chose to do so or applied topically. All these products are holistic and will only aid in assisting the general well-being of your pet/horse/you. Should the discomfort of animal continue you MUST inform your vet. Also; if your pet/horse is taking any medication check with your vet before using any products bought for holistic use.