Holistic Healing
Holistic means ‘Whole’, therefore we are looking at an animal by the integration of physical body, emotional, mind and spirit. We are taking into account the whole look of the animal’s life experiences and not just treating the symptoms shown. If your animals behaviour changes it could be indicating that their nervous system is not able to release the stress in a healthy way, causing irrational obsessive behaviours, like phobias that could be miss understood for naughty behaviour. If over looked the animal could become ill, and possibly cause other injury to itself through its physical behaviour, and in the case of a horse, possible injury to the rider/handler.
Zoopharmacognosy recognises the innate ability of animals both domesticated and in the wild to know what they need to restore them to health. All animals will Self-medicate by using plant materials found in their natural habitat. These medicinal compounds are found in plants roots, seeds, flowers, fruits, algae clays etc. They are not food they are secondary metabolic compounds that offer no obvious food value, no carbohydrates, starches or proteins. To a healthy animal these will taste bitter and are unpalatable and given a choice a healthy animal will choose not to eat them. For a sick animal they provide natural medicinal properties to help them with their disease, stress, trauma or injury; once the animal has recovered the use of secondary compounds stops and they return to primary compounds (foods) once again. Common problems that respond well to Zoopharmagognacy:
- Pain/Inflammation
- Wounds
- Skin conditions
- Infections
- Allergies (mud fever, sweet itch)
- Infestation (worms, mites)
- Laminitis
- Behavioural problems
- Emotional trauma
- Hormonal
- Immune system
- Digestive
- Respiratory
- Urinary infections